Latest updates from the GQueues team
New feature

Introducing the Checklist Gallery

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • August 02, 2023

Tackling a task you haven't done before? We might have a cheat sheet. The checklist gallery is full of ready-made checklists for a variety of scenarios that you can import right into your GQueues account.

  • Going to be a guest on a podcast? Import a checklist pre-populated with steps to prepare.
  • Writing an employee handbook for the first time? Use our checklist to make sure you cover all your bases.
  • Sending a marketing newsletter? Confirm you've covered all the right steps before you hit send.

Slash your research time when you let checklists do the prep steps for you. After you import, all that's left is to do!

New feature

Big news: Bulk actions have arrived!

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • June 22, 2023

Our most requested feature is here. Now you can select several tasks at a time and perform the same actions on all of them at once. Add tags, assign, set dates, move, complete, and delete. Can you say efficient?

To get started, just hold the Shift or Command key on a Mac or Ctrl key on a PC while you select your tasks. Then use the menu at the top of the queue to make your changes.

Feature update

Organize your work with new and improved templates!

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • April 11, 2023

Do you ever wonder what's the best way to set up your account? How to keep it from getting cluttered while still central enough so you don't miss important items?

We just revamped our template gallery with this in mind. Take a look to see a selection of templates designed to:

  • Get you set up faster
  • Walk you through how to use GQueues for different purposes
  • Give you a starting point to organize your work, with the flexibility to personalize
Feature update

The new tag menu is here!

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • April 04, 2023

Introducing a major update to the tag dropdown menu. Now when you tag a task, you can select multiple tags at a time to add or remove them all at once 🙌

Just click the checkboxes to add tags, or uncheck the boxes to remove them. Select Apply and you're done!

Feature update

Check out the new and improved Google Chrome Extension!

Cameron avatar
Shared by Cameron • January 11, 2023

We just released an update to the Google Chrome extension. Now you can create new tasks from:

  • Highlighted text on a page
  • Hyperlinked text on a page
  • The address bar - your fingers never have to leave the keyboard!